For the past three weeks, every Tuesday, we go to the library for lapsit story time. The class starts at 9:30am and lasts 30 mins. Initially I was pretty concerned if I was going to be able to handle them both, thankfully it has gone very well, I haven't even had to use the stroller and the boys hold my hand so nicely as we walk across the parking lot. Both boys seem to really enjoy going and while they don't sing the songs while we are there on the way home or just spontaneously at home they will start to sing them. Kolton's favorite part it getting his sticker and playing with the toys. It's also been nice for me to take them somewhere where other adults are although I've yet to really start talking to any of them yet.
Ok, on to the goats and chickens. This past weekend we went to visit my dad. We've not gone to my dad's that often because he and his wife used to come to our house every Sunday, but since we moved he has not been able to visit as often due to us being 30 mins further away. Anyway, we went to his house and they have a goat and some chickens. The boys have never seen either in real life. Kolton had fun chasing the chickens and feeding the goat. Karter fed the goat some too, but really liked playing on the swing set. They had such a fun time.
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