Kolton loves his boots. His Papa had gotten both he and Karter boots for their birthday last year, Kolton wore them a lot, but outgrew them quickly. Karter never showed as much interest in them as Kolton but did wear his some.
When Kolton outgrew his boots he was sad. He tried to cram his foot in the too small ones and would cry when it didn't work.
Finally, I got the poor boy some more boots and he's worn them every day since.
When Kolton found out we were going to look at boots he was so excited. Karter not so much. Karter does have a sore on his foot and he kept saying he didn't want to try them on because they hurt his owie. I asked him a billion times if he wanted a pair and each time he said no. I asked him the day after and he said he would just wear his tennis shoes. So he's happy with not having any and Kolton's ecstatic to have some.
He was riding some suitcases he dug out of the closet. He said it was a motorcycle.
Karter being cute in his cowboy hat.
Kolton was done taking pictures. He didn't want to look at the camera, but didn't want me to put it up either.
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