I really had no idea how hard a 3 hour feeding schedule is...
The feeding takes almost an hour, so you get up, feed the babies, try to go to sleep as quickly as possible, sleep for 2 hours, and then repeat. If we had only one child, we could alternate nights, with two, one person can't do it because it would take 2 out of the 3 hours and you can't live on 3 hours of sleep a night for very long. People with single children have it pretty easy I suspect...
We had a bit of a scare today, Kolton has been having some problems eating enough formula, we called the pediatrician and were told to feed him a round of pedialyte and then try and feed him formula during the next session. If he didn't eat the formula we were to take him to the emergency room ASAP for testing (and a possible spinal tap :< ). A week or two ago we ran out of the hospital formula but went and purchased several containers of the exact same formula in power form not really thinking much about it. We decided to buy some of the same formula in liquid form to see what effect it had. Kolton downed the pedialyte in about 6 minutes, he acted like it was koolaid. Then for the next feed he downed his whole feed of the liquid formula. I decided to do a taste test of everything he's been getting. Everyone always wonders what formula tastes like. Well, it tastes far worse that it smells! For the record, pedialyte tastes like sweat. Liquid formula tastes like cardboard, and powdered formula tastes like cardboard that's been wrapped around a dead fish! We're not feeding them powdered formula any more.... Here the boys are with their tummys full up:
1 week ago
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