I thought it was high time the blog had a new look. I've been neglecting it for awhile now. I just lost motivation to keep it updated. I wanted to but every time I sat down to do it, after the boys went to bed, I didn't want to.
I started 4 years ago with this post. Four years is a long time. Some of you have been reading since the beginning, some of you have left, and I supposed every now and again someone new comes upon it. I've never really had a large number of readers and that's ok because the blog is really just to record some crazy crap that goes on in our house every now and then. It also records the not so crazy stuff at times.
Our lives have changed so much since that first post on July 6, 2006. Some of it has been sad, but it all lead us to the crazy happiness we all feel now. That's all I can really ask for, that we are all happy and of course healthy.
And we are!
So, I can't promise a new update everyday, or every week for that matter, but I will continue to document moments of our crazy, wacky, happy lives.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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