While visiting Barrbabies I came across her post titled "Someday I will" as I read further I realized that it was something I could participate in too. It actually started here at Letters to My Daughters, go have a look, you can participate too. Simply write a post that finishes the sentence Someday I will. Link to her blog in your blog, then leave where your post can be found in her comments by Friday 12:00 noon EST. Sounds like fun to me.
Here goes.
Someday I will tell my sons how very much they were wanted. How we watched them grow from inside an isolette. How I prayed every night and sometimes at their bedside while in the NICU that God would send his Angels to stand beside their isolette and crib. To watch over them when Mommy and Daddy could not be there. I prayed that not only would those Angels provide comfort to my two tiny little babies, but that they would be with the Doctors and Nurses caring for them as well so that mistakes wouldn't be made and problems could be caught early. God gave me comfort in those times when I had no control over what was happening. I felt peace envisioning the Angels, one for each, standing peacefully beside their bed. I now ask that those Angels stay with my sons throughout their lives to help keep them safe. Someday soon I will tell them of Jesus and what he has done for them and for me, how he died for us. I will tell them I am fulfilling a promise I made to God to teach them of His teachings.
Someday I will play in the mud with my sons and not freak out over how dirty they will get. Someday we will go to the beach, where daddy has his fondest memories and create memories of our own. Someday hopefully they will know the love that a parent has for their children. Someday I will know the love that a grandparent has for their grandchildren.
Someday I will.
When I began writing this I had no idea where it would go. I am quite suprised that it has gone where it did. I usually don't speak of my personal belifes very much here on the site. It's usually all about the boys or our lives where the boys are involved. At times my heart is heavy with the memory of that very hard time on bedrest and then the NICU. It of course was not what I had envisioned for myself or for my babies. It happened. Physically they are fine as am I, well except for a nice c-section scar, but every now and then I am, for some reason or another reminded of bits and pieces of that time and for a second my breath is taken away and my heart skips a beat. Those time are becoming much fewer and far between but are still there none the less. Having preemies is a very traumatic thing, or at least it was for us. Hopefully someday I will NOT remember every little detail of those times and as the physical scars on my sons hands and feet fade so will the scars on my heart.
I can't say all that and not give you pictures since pictures is what you really come here for.
I give you Batman and Robin.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Great post! Thanks for participating. It's very nice to meet you, and your sweet boys, Batman and Robin.
I was very lucky (I think) to make it to almost 38 weeks. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to be in the NICU. You're stronger for it, though!
Writing projects are great because everyone takes the idea some place different.
Your post almost made me cry. It's amazing how much you fall in love with your children. They truly are a gift from God. I know I couldn't live without mine.
Although they look absolutely adorable in both. I think I like the monkey and the skunk. But it's a hard choice.
We're planning to be at the pumpkin patch around 6:00. It's on the corner of 5th street and Hwy 9, across the street from the funeral home. We're dressing the boys in their costumes so we can take pictures with the pumpkins. That is if they will both cooperate. I can totally understand keeping everone on a schedule. It makes life a lot easier. Our bed time is 9:00 if we're not home by then we have a couple of little cranky boys.
Brandy, your post was beautiful. Thank you for opening up and sharing - it brought back memories of our NICU stay. NICU (and bedrest) was so, so hard..probably the hardest thing emotionally we have had to experience.
I LOVE the new costumes...my vote has been changed to batman and his trusty side kick!!! Just dress them up as skunk and monkey...get some candy...redress them as batman and robin and get double the loot...no one will ever know! Not good for the waistline, but certainly tasty!
What a beautiful post!
Oh man, decisions decisions! I think Batman and Robin, simply because of the Robin costume. But the monkey and skunk are adorable too. How are you going to make up your mind? I'd have to take both and change them halfway through I think!
Hey Brandy,
Sorry you guys didn't get to go. It's definately best to go when everyone is happy, it makes it a lot funner. We had a great time! I posted some pictures on our blog. You'll have to check them out when you get a chance. It's open until Halloween. We plan to go again sometime with my Mom and Sheena and the girls so I'll let you know when, probably next week sometime.
Beautiful post!
Love the Batman and Robin!
Knowing you were loved and wanted is maybe one of the best feelings in the whole wide world.
Batman and robin ROCK!
I promise you every one of those dreams will come true because my pregnancy ended in bedrest, preemie, NICU too and my daughter is now 8 and rules the world.
Hey, what's this Batman crap? I'm Batman (and Superman)! How dare you forget that. Now, on the other hand, if you were paying tribute to my legacy, then it is okay....Dad
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